How Terraform Works

As an experienced Terraform user, I’m excited to share insights on how Terraform operates. This understanding is crucial for effectively utilizing the tool in your IT projects.

Core Concepts of Terraform

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Terraform is built on the principle of IaC. It allows you to define your infrastructure requirements using a high-level configuration syntax. This approach enables you to manage your infrastructure with the same practices as you manage your codebase.

Declarative Language

Terraform uses HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), a declarative language. You describe in code what you want to achieve (the end state) rather than how to achieve it (the process).

How Terraform Operates

1. Writing Terraform Configuration Files

  • You start by writing configuration files in HCL. These files specify the required resources and their settings.
  • For example, you might define a server with specific properties like image, size, and region in a cloud provider.

2. Initialization

  • When you run terraform init, Terraform initializes the working directory. It downloads the necessary plugins that allow Terraform to interact with specified service providers (e.g., AWS, Azure).

3. Planning Phase

  • Executing terraform plan prompts Terraform to create an execution plan. This step involves Terraform determining what actions are necessary to achieve the desired state specified in your configuration files.
  • This phase is crucial as it allows you to review changes before they are applied.

4. Applying Changes

  • Running terraform apply instructs Terraform to execute the plan. It makes API calls to the respective cloud providers to provision or update resources as defined.
  • Terraform’s magic lies in its ability to figure out the dependencies between resources and provision them in the correct order.

5. State Management

  • Terraform maintains a state file (terraform.tfstate) to map real-world resources to your configuration. This file tracks metadata and the state of resources.
  • Proper state management is essential for accurate and reliable operation of Terraform.

6. Modifying Infrastructure

  • When you modify your configuration files and re-run terraform apply, Terraform calculates the difference between the current state and the desired state. It then applies only the necessary changes.

7. Destroying Infrastructure

  • You can also use Terraform to destroy the infrastructure it has created by running terraform destroy. This is useful for cleaning up resources that are no longer needed.

Best Practices


  • Break your configurations into modules for reusable, maintainable, and organized code.

Version Control

  • Store your Terraform configurations in a version control system to track changes and collaborate with others.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

  • Integrate Terraform with CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

Terraform’s ability to define, provision, and manage infrastructure through code makes it a powerful tool in modern IT operations. Understanding its workflow and best practices is key to harnessing its full potential. As you continue your journey with Terraform, remember that the Terraform community is a rich resource for learning and overcoming challenges you may encounter.

Here’s a basic Terraform configuration for an Azure Virtual Machine:

  1. Create a new directory for your Terraform configuration files.
  2. In this directory, create a file named This file will contain the Terraform configuration.
  3. Add the following content to

Initialize Terraform in your directory by running:

Create an execution plan to see the changes Terraform will make:

Apply the configuration to create the Azure resources:

You’ll need to confirm the action by typing ‘yes‘ when prompted.


  • Azure Credentials: Ensure you are authenticated with Azure. You can use the Azure CLI or set environment variables.
  • SSH Key: The admin_ssh_key assumes you have an SSH key at ~/.ssh/ Replace the path or content according to your setup.
  • Costs: Be mindful of Azure costs. The VM size ‘Standard_F2‘ is not covered under the free tier.
  • Clean Up: Don’t forget to destroy the resources with terraform destroy to avoid ongoing charges.

This configuration provides a basic introduction to using Terraform with Azure. Real-world configurations can be more complex, involving additional Azure services and finer-grained settings.

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